Watch “Children See, Children Do” on YouTube


I may be asking for much from the world and am the first to admit that when I was young I did things I would never teach my kids. As a mother, I have changed so much because I don’t want my babies to be exposed to the common but overwhelming bad and good things out in the world. I have stopped using the N* word, block sexist channels, changed some friends, distanced from certain family members, the way I talk, walk, carry myself, and even the way I think all because of my Daughters. Quite honestly, I’m trying to figure out why I didn’t do this sooner. Yes, when I was younger I was out in the streets partying and doing things that were to early for me. I blamed it on not having enough role models or on ” the absent village” that didn’t raise me. But now that I’m an adult with kids, I have no one but myself to blame for the habits that my daughters pick up as they get older.

My God!!! I am amazed how things are and how dormant some in this generation have become to all the crap out there. Don’t get me wrong, I know that there are barriers out there like the economy, standardized tests, no village, racism, no feeling of “love thy neighbors,” and a sleuth of things out of our control. I struggle with what I want to do with my career so far because I am floored at the possibility that my daughters will not survive this life if Toree Warmsley and I don’t feed them the knowledge they need to survive life.  Watching this clip puts so many things in perspective for me and my family. I urge you to be more involved in your children’s lives, they will be the ones making decisions for us when we get older. Protest, homeschool, reach out in your community, serve your community, inspire others around you to boycott this sh** they feed our young in the media, streets, schools, and everywhere they go. Help one another so that it keeps on reciprocating and little by little things change.

What gets me the most is having to explain to my girls about racism, sexism, gender discrimination, child abuse, child predators, how to keep safe even from their own family, and to understand that school is here at home first. I don’t blame teachers because not all are in favor of testing, matter of fact none that I know are. I blame “Power” and the madness that trickles down hill from every direction literally driving us to live in “fight or flight” status.

I pray for a better world! I don’t want money, fame, good credit, or a comfy life to go through the everyday motions. I pray to God DAILY for a better world because Toree and I have lived and now its our girl’s turn to have a life. I pray for real PG TV, netter jobs, money for schools, real life education, truth, no racism, no violence, no more inflation, no more corruption, no more crap teaching my kids that “more things” means happiness. Our life is God’s first, and he has called us to be the best parent’s we could be. If that means that I skip Love and Basketball, MTV jams, horror movies, a night out for drinks, the n**** word, curse words, and everything that could take a piece of their childhood away, then so be it. After all, the day they were born, we both knew we would kill or die for them hands down!!!


9 thoughts on “Watch “Children See, Children Do” on YouTube

  1. Excellent post and very very valid statements regarding this world.
    If you wish your followers to see you in their reader, WP has a rule that only 15 tags, inclusive of categories, are used per post. If you go over that number, your post will not show in the reader. A LOT of people need to read your words for you speak Truth and do not hold back! I say GOOD for you!

      • Hope so… thanks for the feedback and please feel free to give me more or any tips you have. I’m pretty new to blogging. I love it so far, then again, I just love writing and am passionate about the beauty in words.

      • I’ve been hear 3 years so I more or less know the ropes. I really Love the way you write and I admire you for it. I used to hide under my covers (no lie) when I started to really speaking Truth at Petals. Now it is a piece of cake. If peeps like what I say good, If not, they just are not ready for it. And oh, pass on the Gift I gave you today. I friend told me about tagging and ever since I pass the Gift along. Welcome to WP. I wish you every success!!! ❤

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